Turbonegro: Party Animals (DVD/CD Combo/ Import)

Price 33.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 7332109103928

Manufacture Country Sweden

The Biggest Underground Band in the World Has Clawed It"s Way above Ground...or As They Like to Refer to Themselves "The Smallest Mainstream Band in the World"! this is Actually their Sixth Full Length Album and was Produced by Steve Mcdonald, Known for his Work with the White Stripes, Beck and Redd Kross. All the Songs Are "Beautifully Negative Switchblades", Says Guitarist Euroboy. Bassist Happy Tom Says "it"s Like the Best Bits of the Rolling Stones Mixed with the Best Bits of Black Flag, but Composed by Shostakovich, Stalin"s In-house Composer". Get Ready for the Kind of Wild Ride You Haven"t Experienced Since the Height of 70"s Hard Rock! this Limited Edtion Comes with a Bonus Dvd Single!!! (In the Pal Format).