
Price 6.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 787364833993

Manufacture Country USA

Desesperado por la enfermedad de su hijo, el campesino Eufemio roba una perla de la imagen de Santa Lucía en la iglesia del pueblo. Unos turistas fotografían el robo, y Eufemio está a punto de ser linchado por sus vecinos. La perla desaparece tragada por uno de los cerdos que cría Chabela, la mujer de Eufemio. La intervención de don Tomás salva a Eufemio, aunque la perla no aparece. Desperate for his son s disease, Eufemio, the farmer steals a pearl from the image of Santa Lucia located inside the village s church. Some visiting tourists photograph the robbery, and Eufemio is almost lynched by his neighbors. The pearl is swallowed by one of the breeding pigs who belong to Chabela, wife of Eufemio. Their neighbor Don Tomas intervenes and saves Eufemio, even though the Pearl is never found.