Teaching Gifted Kids In Today"s Classroom: Strategies And Techniques Every Teacher Can Use (Book w/ DVD)
Price 218.90 - 300.78 USD
Multimedia PackageSchools will get the benefit of in-person author workshops for a fraction of the cost with this comprehensive professional development resource. Teachers will be introduced to proven, practical classroom strategies for meeting the needs of gifted learners, whether they work in a mixed-ability classroom, cluster classroom, gifted-education classroom, resource room, or another setting.The package includes:• 120-minute DVD featuring top-selling authors Susan Winebrenner and Dina Brulles along with actual classroom teaching sessions that illustrate key strategies from the book• A copy of the book Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom• A CD-ROM containing all of the customizable reproducible forms from the book along with an introductory PowerPoint presentation• Facilitator and Discussion Leader Guide that directs users through the book and the video as they use these in study groups or other forms of staff developmentIn addition to discussion and modeling of pivotal teaching strategies, the resource covers 21st century learning, assessment, technology, RTI, and schoolwide cluster grouping.