Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty: Irina Kolpakova / Sergei Berezhnoi / Lubov Kunakova: Kirov Ballet

Price 17.96 - 29.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 32031312197, 9780769778594

Manufacture Kultur Videograms

Manufacture Country USA

The Sleeping Beauty is the grandest of all the surviving 19th-century ballets and the supreme achievement of the imperial Russian ballet. First performed in 1890 at the Maryinsky Theatre in St Petersburg, the ballet has been preserved in continuous performance by the company that created it. The way in which the heirs of the old imperial ballet continue to honor the choreographic genius of Marius Petipa and the glories of Tchaikovsky"s score, means that The Sleeping Beauty is ideally to be seen in the interpretation of the Kirov Ballet whose performance in the company"s 200th year in 1982 was captured in this presentation. Leading the cast is Irina Kolpakova, recognised as one of the former Soviet Union"s greatest ballerinas and justly celebrated throughout the world for the beauty and clarity of her classic dancing in the role of Princess Aurora. With Sergei Berezhoi as Prince Desire and Lubov Kunakova as The Lilac Fairy.