Sojourn, Vol. 1: From The Ashes (DVD Graphic Novel)
Price 9.99 USD
Termed a Digital Comic Book (DCB) this DVD product is a cross platform for comic books, videogame consoles, and DVD players. A DCB combines the visual art and storytelling ability of published comic books with professional voice-overs, original music, vivid stunning effects and high-end sound design to create a unique DVD product on par with a major motion picture release. Each DCB contains a five to eight issue comic story-arc and at half the cost of the printed version, the value speaks for itself. Plenty of extra material is packed in as well: trailers, character biographies, original sketches, a documentary about how comics are made, and bonus chapters (including classic first appearances of the main characters). This all adds up to over 100 minutes of viewable material per DCB. Viewable on DVD, Playstation2, Xbox, MacOS 9.2, and PC. Two of the best-known comic book publishers in the world, Marvel and CrossGen, have provided their most popular properties to these DCB. Character titles include: Hulk, Ultimate X-Men, Daredevil, Wolverine, The Ultimates, Negation, Sojourn, Scion, Meridian, and Way of the Rat. Digital Comic Books have received numerous accolades from the press and outstanding reviews praising this entertaining product. Sojourn - Volume One Quin is a planet composed of the Five Lands, each land inhabited by one of the five races; humans, trolls divided into matriarchal clans, winged warriors living in cliff cities, ice gnomes of the far north and the mysterious arachnid of the desert wastes. More than 3 centuries ago the warlord, Mordath led his troll armies across the world. He was defeated only when a warrior calling himself Ayden appeared and with the remaining survivors destroyed Mordath. Now, Mordath has been resurrected and he is the master of his world. But one woman has escaped his punishment. And with that one woman rests the lone hope of ending Mordath’s reign of terror.