Slayers (1995/ Software Sculptors) #3: Try Collection
Price 49.95 USD
If you love Slayers, then you have to buy this boxset.\nThe Slayers is arguable the best series of any kind (anime or other) out there, ever. It"s versitile, funny, deep, and downrigth enjoyable, with a loveable cast and FABULOUS humor. \nSlayers Try, the third season, has it"s ups and downs. Personally, I believe that the Slayers reached it"s peak with Slayers NEXT, so expecting something better from TRY will just dissapoint you. Slayers TRY has much less of a re-view value than NEXT, and a less interesting cast. Although the villans, Jillias, Gravos, Valgaav, and Dark Star Dugradigo were well developed, the cst of heroes suffered. The elimination of Martina, Sylphiel, and most importantly Zangulus was not compinsated for with the addition of the anoying and useless Filia. She has moments of humor, but I got sick of her by the end of the series. Xellos plays a weaker, less humorous role in TRY, and harldly even uses his catch line.. "sore wa himetsu desu," which was a HUGE dissapointment. Also, there was no romantic angle to it, so some versitility was lost.\nNot to say that TRY isn"t an excellent use of ones cash, it"s Slayers for crying out loud, how much better can you get? The animation is about on par with NEXT, maybe a little less colorful, and the effects and spells were great, the slapstick is priceless, and it"s got Lina Inverse. You can"t ask for much more than a series with Lina Inverse!\nSo, to sum it all up, it"s great, it"s fabulous, but it"s not phenominal.