Puccini - Tosca / Sinopoli, Zeffirelli, Domingo, Behrens, MET
Price 29.98 USD
13023009097, 9786305079187
Laser Disc Corporation Of Amer
Manufacture Country
The fiery, passionate grandeur of Puccini"s Tosca came to life with the Metropolitan Opera"s new production of March 1985. Franco Zeffirelli, who both directed and designed the sets for the production, left his audience positively agasp. Conducted by Guiseppe Sinopoli. Appearances made by: James Courtney, Italo Tajo, Placido Domingo, Hildegard Behrens, Cornell MacNeil, Anthony Laciura, Russell Christopher, Melissa Fogarty, and Richard Vernon. Subtitled in English and filmed on March 20 and 27, 1985.