Project Grizzly

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 634991274920

Manufacture Country USA

Meet Troy James Hurtubise, a self-styled "close-quarter bear researcher," who"s obsessed with going face-to-face with Canada"s most deadly land mammal, the grizzly bear. Troy is the creator of what he hopes is a "grizzly-proof" suit of armour -- an extraordinary fusion of high-tech materials and homespun ingenuity -- and of his own hybrid mythology that is part Hollywood, part Canadian Shield. His quest takes audiences into a world both compelling and disturbing, full of contradiction, humour and fantastical vision. Directed by Peter Lynch, Project Grizzly explores the territory between documentary and drama, where the dividing line between fact and imagination is as thin as a knife edge. In this twisted nature film, it is man, not bears, who come under the closest scrutiny. Robo-Bear in the Rockies... Clint Eastwood meets Jacques Cousteau... Project Grizzly is a film about overcoming insurmountable odds, leaving an imprint, creating your own legend.