Michael & Me
Price 14.95 USD
A JOURNEY TO IRAQ is a unique documentary, showing a side of the War on Terror that is rarely seen in mainstream media. This documentary gets up close and personal with Iraqi refugees who fled the country due to religious persecution, the faithful Christians who answered God"s call to help spread Christianity to the Arab and Kurdish people, and one Missionary struggling to establish what could be the most important print shop in the Middle East. Establishing the first Christian printing press in the Kurdish territory of Northern Iraq is more than difficult - it"s almost unthinkable. But Missionary Tim Comer discovers that in the word"s newest Republic, the power of Islam leaves little room for Christian Missions, and the only way to get things done is God"s way. Under the regime of Saddam Hussein, Christianity was mildly tolerated at best, and certainly was not encouraged. With the American and allied invasion came the prayers of Christians worldwide, as well as the power to establish political, personal and religious freedoms for the Iraqi people. For the first time in their lives, countless Iraqis discovered acceptable alternatives to Islam.