Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (New Line/ Widescreen/ Special Edition/ Old Version)
Price 4.75 - 5.97 USD
The final battle for Middle-earth begins. Frodo and Sam, led by Gollum, continue their dangerous mission toward the fires of Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring. Aragorn struggles to fulfill his legacy as he leads his outnumbered followers against the growing power of the Dark Lord Sauron, so that the Ring-bearer may complete his quest. DVD Features: 3D Animated Menus DVD ROM Features:Exclusive online content Link to www.lordoftherings.net Documentaries:3 in-depth programs that reveal the secrets behind the production of this epic adventure, including: "The Quest Fulfilled: A Director"s Vision" (23:05) "A Filmmaker"s Journey: Making The Return of The King" (28:30) National Geographic Special (45:57) Featurette:6 featurettes --Aragorn"s Destiny (3:25) --Minas Tirith: Capital of Gondor (3:10) --The Battle of Pelennor Fields (2:14) --Samwise the Brave (4:32) --Eowyn: White Lady of Rohan (3:45) --Digital Horse Doubles (4:35) Other:2-DISC SET The Battle For Middle Eath Continues--Video Games from EA (3:00) TV Spot Theatrical Trailer:Original Theatrical Trailers "The Lord of The Rings" Trilogy Supertrailer (6:45)