Let"s Sing Again (1936) DVD [Remastered Edition]
Price 14.95 USD
Musicals like Lets Sing Again will never grow stale, and this remarkable feature film bears the masterly touch of director Kurt Neumann. The story is simple enough and has distinct Dickensian undertones - heartwarming in its impact and delightful from beginning to end. The story is of an orphaned boy who runs away with a traveling circus, reveals singing talents that he has inherited form his gifted father - and the final reunion. Without the singular acting and singing talents involved throughout - especially that of young Bobby Breen himself - this would have probably been a mediocre and forgettable storyline. However, Neumann’s directorial panache and the unreservedly brilliant performances ensure that this fascinating film from the last century rises above the commonplace. Amongst the most noteworthy features of this moving vintage offering from the A2ZCDS archive are the outstanding songs ‘Lets Sing Again’ by Jimmy McHugh and Gus Kahn, ‘Lullaby’ by Hugo Riesenfeld and Selma Hautzik, and ‘Farmers in the Dell’ by Samuel Pokrass and Charles O. Locke. Lets Sing Again is a marvelous movie experience for the entire family, and you will carry it in your heart forever.