The Biggest Winner - How to Win by Losing - Shape Up Complete (2-Disc DVD Set - Front & Backside)

Price 14.49 - 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 796019772297

Manufacture Genius Products, Inc.

Manufacture Country USA

Jillian Michaels, the trainer from NBC"s The Biggest Loser and self-proclaimed "TV"s toughest fitness guru," runs through circuit training like a drill sergeant on caffeine. Her theory is to keep moving in between exercises to burn twice as many calories, so she cycles her team through sumo squats, mountain climbers, jump ropes, shoulder raises and bicycle moves without taking a breath. If she doesn"t think one of her comrades is picking up his knees high enough, she makes everyone do 30 more, with a sadistic grin. As a result, you can almost literally watch the muscle burn. Michaels" Shape-Up Front DVD works out the chest, shoulders, triceps and quads. It also requires two props: a bench-style exercise step and light dumbbells. The DVD features include printable diet/exercise logs, nutrition tips and recipes. Despite a lower-level option, it isn"t for anyone looking for a low-impact aerobic workout. Shape-Up Complete: This 2-disc DVD set lets you take full advantage of my intense fat-burning workouts and nutritional training. With my experience as a professional life -coach and trainer, I"ve combined the best fitness training techniques with the most successful tips on nutrition, to maximize your home workouts and jump-start your dedication to a healthy lifestyle. -- Jillian Michaels. This DVD is packed with tactics to help take it off and keep it off, including Diet and Exercise Tracking Logs, Nutrition Tips, Recipes plus a Special Workout Article from *Fitness RX Magazine and a Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery! Look no further than Michaels"s Shape-Up Backside exercise DVD for an intense high-impact workout. Michaels keeps your body moving (though she herself skips out on half the exercises) with hammer curls, oblique raises, step ups, planks, and a move called The Superman destined to tone your back, biceps glutes, hamstrings and abs. There"s a lower-level option, but Michaels likes to "kick your butt," as she says, to get you to feel the burn. Shape-Up Backside"s DVD features include printable diet/exercise logs, nutrition tips and recipes. It requires two props: a bench-style exercise step and light dumbbells, which may make it difficult for beginners. But if you give it a try, even in the comfort of your living room you"ll think you"re in a gym -- trainer yelling in your ear and all. -- Ellen A. Kim Product Description Includes both Shape-Up Front, and Shape-Up Back