The Ideal Companion
Price 14.96 - 24.95 USD
Finally, all of our favorite cats – on one DVD! This indispensable "visual guidebook" is not just for prospective cat owners, but for cat lovers in general. Produced in cooperation with North America’s top breeders, The Ideal Companion provides insights into the history, temperament, sociability and life span of twenty different breeds of cats. In addition, you’ll find colorful charts that indicate brushing requirements and detail how active and vocal each breed tends to be. The DVD also includes a special section with valuable tips on what to look for when choosing a kitten. Look for the following breeds in this terrific DVD: Abyssinian Balinese Bengal Birman British shorthair Burmilla Colorpoint shorthair Cornish Rex Exotic Foreign Burmese Manx Ocicat Persian Ragdoll Russian Blue Scottish Fold Siamese Somali Sphynx