GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (Tokyopop) #01 - 07 (Amazon Exclusive)
Price 209.99 USD
GTO is the runaway Japanese anime hit based on the hugely popular manga series by Tohru Fujisawa. The finale of the live-action version of the GTO television series was the most watched program in the history of Japanese TV! Meet Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old ex-biker. He"s crude, foul-mouthed, and has a hair-trigger temper. His goal: to be the greatest high school teacher in the world! GTO is the story of Onizuka, a former motorcycle gang member who becomes a teacher to make a difference. Using his street smarts to deal with colleagues, students and troublemakers, Onizuka finds that he too has many lessons to learn.