Genesis: Four Billion Years In The Making: IMAX
Price 3.22 - 19.99 USD
17078983425, 9781584480341, 9786305472551
Sonic Atmospheres
Manufacture Country
The great Rift Valley in Africa, a 4,00 mile crack in the earth"s crust. It is the result of continental fracturing that began some 20 million years ago. Volcanie eruptions, such as the spectacular eruption of Hawaii"s Kilauea Volcano featured in Genesis, are the results of powerful tectonic processes which are continually reshaping the earth"s surface. From that early moment when a supernova explodes in a blast of light and sound, the Genesis audience doesn"t just have a front row seat at the creation of the world. The audience is inside the creation itself and made aware in the most forceful ways that creation is still continuing.