Docurama Film Festival V: Family Name / Questioning Faith / Arctic Son / Cine Manifest / Cinematographer Style / ...
Price 149.96 - 279.95 USD
With this fifth installment of the Docurama Film Festival Docurama Films offers some of the most engaging and extraordinary films currently available in the documentary genre. Just like an actual film festival The Docurama Film Festival presents a collection of documentaries that cover hot button topics probe the lives of unexpected heroes bring the past into focus and reveal the most intricate dramas in the context of actual events. And now thanks to DVD these classic films and audience favorites are available for all to see long after festivals like Sundance and Tribeca have closed their doors. Set consists of the following releases shrinkwrapped together: A Lion in the House (2-discs) Arctic Son Cine Manifest Cinematographer Style Critical Condition Fall from Grace Family Name Liberia: An Uncivil War On the Downlow Passing Poston Questioning Faith Virginia Lee Burton: A Sense of Place