Command (Archive Collection/ On Demand DVD-R)
Price 15.69 - 19.97 USD
With shoot-"em-ups galore, a clean-cut hero, dust-beaten horse soldiers and fearless warriors, The Command - Warner Bros." first CinemaScope? release - is a galloping entertainment success. Guy Madison portrays 7th cavalry doctor Capt. Robert MacClaw, unexpectedly handed the reins of his battered troop"s command. Unfamiliar with by-the-book military tactics, MacClaw nevertheless knows how to take charge. He keeps the book closed and his mind open as he leads his men and a settlers" wagon train on a desperate journey besieged by waves of Indian attacks. Multiple Oscar? winner* Dimitri Tiomkin provides the lively score pacing the thunderous action. And plenty of hoofs provide the thunder: the movie"s wrangler estimated the project required 41,882 horse-hours (number of horses times number of hours used). That ain"t hay!This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media."s standard return policy will apply.This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.