Clinical Procedures For Medical Assistants (8th Ed./ Book w/ DVD)
Price 58.49 - 98.95 USD
Learn the concepts, procedures, and skills you need to succeed as a medical assistant! Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants provides clear, step-by-step instructions for common office procedures such as taking vital signs, collecting and processing lab specimens, preparing patients for examinations, and assisting with office surgeries. Written by expert educator Kathy Bonewit-West, this edition covers the latest competencies and topics related to today"s medical assisting practice, including HIPAA, the Electronic Health Record, and caring for special populations. It also includes four DVDs with video demonstrating 76 clinical skills described in the book. 76 procedures are presented in a clear, step-by-step format along with underlying principles and illustrations, with procedure videos included on the companion DVDs.Chapter outlines and learning objectives prepare you for the skills and concepts you will be learning.What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge to realistic medical office situations -- and a practitioner"s response is included for comparison.Putting It All Into Practice and Memories from Externship boxes feature real medical assistants sharing personal, on-the-job experiences.Patient Teaching boxes prepare you for effective communication, with detailed instructions on how to answer questions and how to explain medical concepts and procedures.Charting examples help you understand the process for charting your own procedures.Certification Review sections summarize points that are essential to know for the certification examination.Highlight boxes emphasize important topics that influence the world of medical assistant.Key Terms and Terminology Review help you master medical assisting terminology.Medical Practice and the Law highlights important legal and ethical issues.Apply Your Knowledge helps you assess your comprehension.On the Web provides up-to-date lists of websites for further research and study.Student resources on a companion Evolve website feature animations, activities and games including Road to Recovery, an interactive math review, Apply Your Knowledge multiple-choice questions, and 76 step-by-step video procedures. Four new procedure videos: Release of Medical Information, Preparing a Medical Record, Wheelchair Transfer, and Peak Flow MeasurementThe most up-to-date information on emerging topics in the field including patient care protocol, pharmacology, and laboratory testingExpanded information on the Electronic Medical Record, including the recording of prescriptions and laboratory documentsUpdated pharmacology table of drugs commonly administered and prescribed in the medical officeCurrent information on the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard along with a new videoExpanded information on CLIA-waived testing kits and CLIA-waived automated analyzersNew ADA guidelines for interpreting blood glucose test resultsThe PT/INR laboratory test and PT/INR home testingEnd-of-chapter terminology review now contains broken down word partsNew interactive math review on the companion Evolve website