The Big Animal (Duze Zwierze)
Price 24.85 - 29.95 USD
THE BIG ANIMAL, scripted by the late Krzysztof Kieslowski (DECALOGUE, THREE COLORS TRILOGY) and shot in shimmering black-and-white by Pawel Edelman (the Oscar®-nominated cinematographer for Roman Polanski’s THE PIANIST) is an inspiring film celebrating the most human of themes: love, tolerance and sacrifice. The film’s director (and longtime Kieslowski actor) Jerzy Stuhr stars as Zygmunt Sawicki, an ordinary bank clerk in a small Polish town, who awakens one morning to discover a camel outside his kitchen window. As he and his wife (Anna Dymna) grow increasingly fond of their remarkable pet, the animal evokes their neighbors’ jealousy … and greed. Although the Sawickis are determined to protect their cherished friend, the townspeople and local bureaucrats seem bent on exploiting the great beast. THE BIG ANIMAL is a charming fairy tale for grownups – a wise and cautionary parable about tolerance that is at once funny, compassionate and heartwarming.