Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (S) (Widescreen, Fullscreen) (New Line Platinum Series)

Price 5.00 - 5.97 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 79404345772, 794043457722, 9780780620414, 9786304696224

Manufacture New Line Home Video

Manufacture Country USA

It"s a smashing shagadelic party as Mike Myers (Wayne"s World 1 & 2, So I Married an Axe Murderer) and Elizabeth Hurley (Dangerous Ground) star in a non-stop, hilarious comedy adventure. Frozen in the 60"s, secret agent Austin Powers (Myers) is thawed back into action to once again battle his archenemy Dr. Evil. With his sexy sidekick Ms. Kensington (Hurley), Austin must stop Dr. Evil"s outrageous plot to control the world. But first, this time-warped swinger must get hip quick and discover that there"s no free love in the 90"s! An all-star supporting cast including Michael York, Robert Wagner, Mimi Rogers and Carrie Fisher make Austin Powers a wacky, far-out trip you won"t forget. DVD Features: Audio Commentary:Commentary by actor Mike Myers and director M. Jay Roach. Deleted Scenes Other:An original animated sequence "Music to Shag to". Spy genre retrospective. Star highlights with scenes (all Letterbox 1.85, Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround) from Dangerous Ground (1997), Monkey Trouble (1994), Rapture, The (1991) (qv), and Wide Sargasso Sea (1993). Production Notes Theatrical Trailer