All Creatures Great & Small (1978): The Specials: Two Post War Specials (Old Version)

Price 18.86 - 19.98 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 794051181022, 9780790780900

Brand Generic

Manufacture Fine Line Home Video

Manufacture Country USA

1983 SPECIAL: James returns to Darrowby following his wartime service in the R.A.F. Though little has changed in the Dales in the intervening six years, James finds it difficult to adjust to the peacetime routine and to friends and family who seem like strangers. 1985 SPECIAL: Siegfried waxes lyrical about the accelerating rate of scientific progress as James proceeds to plod along with tried and trusted remedies. For how long can the practice and the surrounding countryside resist the oncoming tide of progress?DVD Features: Biographies Featurette