The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
Price 0.98 - 2.27 USD
When Vincent W. Foster, White House deputy counsel and confidant of President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, was found dead in Fort Marcy Park in July 1993, the "official" explanation was suicide. Now journalist Christopher Ruddy reveals materials suggesting a flawed FBI investigation and possible cover-up -- implying a very different end for Foster.Backing up his claims with extensive first-person research, Ruddy chronicles the FBI"s bungled investigation of the death -- from failure to use standard procedures, to misplaced and incompetently handled evidence -- and he reports on the frenzied activity in the White House only hours after Foster"s death, indicating that President Clinton"s staff knew about the situation earlier than previously claimed. In daring to ask the right questions and to find the answers in this deeply disturbing case, Ruddy demands that Vince Foster"s "suicide" be reexamined by criminal investigators.