Get a Better Job (Teach Yourself)

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Is this the right book for me? The current world of work is tough whether you are looking for work or just looking to make better life choices. Things are changing fast and the "job for life" is a long forgotten myth. This book, perceptively written and full of practical advice, tells you exactly how to become a hot property in the competitive job market. Filled with self-check questions, exercises and case studies it will help you to understand yourself and improve your chance of a fulfilling career. Written to appeal to the broadest spectrum of readers, it will prove invaluable whether you are starting out on your career, returning to work, looking to change direction or coping with redundancy or early retirement. Learn to understand your motivations, grow confident in what you have to offer and go get that job! Get a Better Job includes: Chapter 1: Moving from employment to employability Understanding how these changes are affecting you Understanding the future work What is a job? The decline and fall of the job What has happened to make job certainty disappear? Restructuring the workplace in the twenty-first century Facing up to the issues Self-check questions Case studies Chapter 2: Getting to know yourself - what you are Charting progress Identifying those who have influenced you Identifying what you do Maintaining your employability Being a rounded person Rating your confidence in your employability Case studies Chapter 3: Getting to know yourself - who you are Starting to feel comfortable with being you Life-mapping Identifying your needs and desires How will you be remembered? My epitaph Case studies Chapter 4: Motivation at work What motivates me? Elton Mayo - acknowledging the human element Abraham Maslow - satisfying inbuilt needs Clayton Alderfer - levels of need Douglas McGregor - alternative ways of managing people Frederick Herzberg - identifying the sources of motivation and demotivation How motivating employees can rescue the industry Case studies Chapter 5: Understanding what you have to offer Understanding what employers seek Developing your transferable skills Identifying your transferable skills Becoming a SWOT Devising your own SWOT Describing yourself Case studies Chapter 6: Developing your skills Offering more than qualifications and experience Communicating effectively Networking How good are you at team-working? Team-working with colleagues Seizing opportunities to enhance your skills Mentoring Case studies Chapter 7: Assessing your attitude to life Recognizing yourself Identifying your personal values What is your attitude to life Are you an optimist or pessimist Personality Knowing what suits you Multiple intelligences Emotional intelligence Checking the lifeboat Case studies Chapter 8: Where are you going next? Making the most of choices Accepting support networks Managing time Managing stress Marketing yourself Maintaining your employability Seize the day Applying for jobs Case studies Chapter 9: Action planning Devising an action plan Keeping yourself in mind Prioritizing activities Talking yourself up Keeping on track Evaluating progress Evaluating by considering key points Case studies Postscript Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and added features: Not got much time? One and five-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. Author insights Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author"s many years of experience. Test yourself Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. Extend your knowledge Extra online articles to give you a richer understanding of job hunting. Things to remember Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. Try this Innovative exercises illustrate what you"ve learnt and how to use it.