Operations Management Flexible Version (10th Edition)
Price 81.99 - 223.00 USD
A broad, practical introduction to operations, reinforced with an extensive collection of practice problems. Operations Management the standalone book presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of problems on the market. If you want the book/access card and lecture guide order the ISBN below: 0132626063 / 9780132626064 Operations Management Flexible Version & Lecture Guide & myomlab package * Package consists of: 0132163926 / 9780132163927 Operations Management Flexible Version 0132165848 / 9780132165846 Lecture Guide and Activities Manual for Operations Management Flexible Edition 0136025773 / 9780136025771 myomlab -- Valuepack Access Card The Flexible Edition of Operations Management contains a separate student lecture guide with all of the end-of-chapter problems and sections for taking notes. This edition has also been thoroughly updated to reflect operations management today—and now features myomlab, Pearson’s online homework and tutorial system.