Price 17.44 - 18.19 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 5051275033229

Manufacture MSHK Ltd

Manufacture Country United Kingdom

Year of production 2010

Binding 2 Audio CD

Beware! The schizophrenic sister of the Hed Kandi family has returned. Welcome to our annual journey into the darker side of Hed Kandi"s musical offering as we open Pandora"s record box and unleashes an electrifying dose of Twisted Disco into your nervous system. The most rebellious Hed Kandi album in the calendar also allows us to explore the extremes and this instalment sees Jason Brooks serve our most seductive artwork to date as tension, eroticism and malice wrestle their way into the iconic collection of Twisted sleeve art. Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - Twisted Disco!