La tentacion de lo imposible/The Temptation of the Impossible: Victor Hugo Y Los Miserables (Ensayo) (Spanish Edition)

Mario Vargas Llosa immerges himself in the novel Les Miserables from the perspective of the avid reader, the enthusiastic one, the creator that knows how a great work is constructed; therefore finding the secret mechanisms that moved Victor Hugo"s pen. This work is not a book about another book; instead, he reveals the keys with which the French narrator made his creation. He discovers the tracks that speak of a writer, a political man but above all, a human Victor Hugo; one who is just another character in the novel. Description in Spanish: Del siglo XIX al siglo XXI. De novelista a novelista. De genio a genio. Mario Vargas Llosa, un clasico contemporaneo, se acerca a Victor Hugo y a su gran obra, Los miserables, con pasion de lector y conocimiento de creador, para rastrear las claves del narrador frances en su novela. Buceando en las palabras, Vargas Llosa se sumerge en el mundo de Victor Hugo -escritor, político, ser humano- y saca a la superficie las huellas de su vida y de su talento.