Mini Wheel Books: School Bus

The Mini House Book(tm) popped a wheelie Four wheels, in fact. Announcing Mini Wheels Books, a new series of irresistible die-cut board-books-as-vehicles from Peter Lippman, creator of the Mini House Book series, with over 2.2 million copies in print.Chunky, colorful, and lively, with doors that open and windows to explore, packed with adorable characters and rhyming action-and made fully mobile through the addition of real working wheels-each Mini Wheels Book is a delightful ride through the reader"s imagination.Climb on board the yellow Mini School Bus and sit with the bunnies as they sing their ABCs, count from 1 to 10, and identify shapes from the window: One bunny spots a circle; one sees a square. Can YOU find a triangle shape somewhere?It"s all the fun of reading, on the go.