Rossiiskie Gosudarstvennye Deiateli i Russkii Mif

There is nothing wrong, according to the author, that some statesmen became a myth. It means that he played a significant role in the history of his country and his time. But famous statesmen and politician are usually much more then their own myths. This book is a collection of biographical sketches about outstanding Russian statesmen of imperial Russia: Lzhe Dmitrii I, patriarch Nikon, Avvakum, Patrik Gordon, Petr I, A.D. Menshikov, G.A. Potemkin, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, A.A. Arakcheev, M.D. Skobelev, K.P. Pobdeonostsev, and S.Iu. Vitte. (0.615 kg)