Ul"chskaia Literatura: Materialy i Issledovaniia (Biblioteka pisatel"skoi arteli "Litros")
Price 4.79 - 11.93 USD
labirint.ru5.05 USD
The Ulchi are the aboriginal population of the Ul"chi and Nikolaevsk Districts of Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation in several settlements along the Amur River. They are related to the Tunguso-Manchurian group of the Altai linguistic family. This collection includes articles by specialists in this region, which trace the main periods and main authors of Ulchi literature. The series started in 2001. (0.635 kg.). Also available on the subject:Evenkiiskaia Literatura (2006); Saamskaia Literatura (2010); Vepsskaia literatura (2011); Itel"menskaia literatura (2011); Ivashchenko, L.Ia. et al. Istoriia i Kul"tura Ul"chei v XVII-XX vv: Istoriko-Etnograficheskie Ocherki (1994); Ul"chi: Katalog Kollektsii Muzeia Istorii i Kul"tury Narodov Sibiri i Dal"nego Vostoka Instituta Arkheologii i Etnografii SO RAN (2004).