Regge Trajectory Phenomenology and its Impact on QCD: Experimental and Theoretical Visualizations

Since the middle of the 20th century our knowledge of elementary particles and their nature has been expanding at a tremendous rate. Series of experiments at collider centres such as at CERN or BNL have helped in probing the subatomic particle interiors and have progressed in expanding our knowledge regarding the involved interactions. This present monograph deals with the study of the spectrum of the strongly interacting particles i.e. hadrons. The procedural approach which we have utilised is the Regge trajectory phenomenology and we have tried to connect it to various distinctive features of QCD. We have formulated and solved a number of problems in this regard with the purpose of better understanding of the hadron spectrum and the dynamics involved in the hadron interior. This monograph gives a concise account of the theoretical or the experimental facet of the hadronic world. At certain stages we have obtained a clear coherence between the experimental and theoretical fronts and this substantially confirms the validity of our approach. This monograph will prove out to be beneficiary for the scientific community pursuing research in the field of strong interactions.