An Optimization Framework for Auto-Modify Addressing Modes: Newly-Introduced Compiler Optimization Algorithms for Embedded DSP Processors with Auto-Increment and Auto-Decrement Addressing Modes

Price 43.81 - 68.00 USD

book24.ru43.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783639160024

Brand VDM Verlag

Weight 164 gr

Year of production 2009

This book contains a Master"s Thesis completed in December 2004 for compiler optimizations in the field of offset assignment, using the auto-increment and auto-decrement addressing modes provided by a number of embedded processors. Legacy Optimizations: Stan Liao"s SOA (Simple Offset Assignment) and GOA (General Offset Assignment). Previously Published Optimizations by Chok: Coalescence-Based Offset Assignment (Courtesy of Chok"s Professor, Santosh Pande). Newly-Invented Optimizations by Chok in this work: Post-Pre Optimization, Inter-Basic-Block Offset Assignment, and Offset Registers Optimization. Extras: Theoretical concept, implementation details, and performance evaluations. This book is a breath of fresh air for those who are keen in exploring novel algorithms for compiler optimizations. We hope that you will enjoy this work and the ideas presented therein.