Lonely Planet Istanbul Encounter (Best Of)

What Will Your Istanbul Encounter Be?Getting giddy with the whirling dervishesRich kilims, dazzling jewellery and marketplace banter in the Grand BazaarTaking your time to muse on artistic inspiration at Istanbul ModernDining like a sultan on meze selections or fabulously fresh fishGreek liturgies, Macedonian synagogues or Albanian meatballs on a Golden Horn cruiseChasing Medusa"s head and ghostly carp in the subterranean Basilica CisternDiscover Twice the City in Half the TimeFull-color pull-out map and detailed neighborhood maps for easy navigationOur Turkophile author recommends the very best sights, restaurants, shops, architectural treasures and ferry tripsUnique itineraries and highlights help you make the most of a short breakLocal experts reveal Istanbul"s secrets: from crime author Barbara Nadel"s favorite neighborhood to a Grand Bazaar jeweller"s cafe recommendations