Barron"s GRE (Revised) (Paperback)
Price 12.91 - 13.97 USD
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The 18th edition of Barron"s GRE test preparation manual offers prospective graduate students intensive preparation for the Graduate Record Exam, as it is currently administered. Although question types on the GRE are scheduled to change substantially beginning August 1, 2011, students who opt to take the test before August 1, will find the help they"re looking for in this edition. They will want to use Barron"s GRE, 18th edition, as their test prep tool. Opening chapters of the 18th edition provide a perspective on the current exam with a GRE overview, advice on effective test-taking tactics, and a diagnostic test to help students pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. Subsequent chapters review all GRE test areas and include practice exercises for the following topics: antonym, analogy, and sentence-completion questions, reading comprehension, vocabulary, analytical writing, discrete quantitative questions, quantitative comparison questions, data interpretation questions, and math. The math review includes questions in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The manual"s concluding section presents five full-length model exams that reflect recent GREs in length, question types, and degree of difficulty. All questions are answered and explained. For students who plan to take the GRE after July 31, 2011, the new 19th edition of Barron"s GRE (978-0-7641-4616-9) will be available in bookstores everywhere in June 2011.