Bloom"s Bouquet of Imaginary Words

In Bloom’s Bouquet, words blossom. You know what a pigeon is, but what is a “pugeon”? An overweight bird, of course. Change one letter of “destination” and you get a place where dirt ends up: “dustination.” If you are late to ballet class, you are “leotardy.” The author of a horror film is a “scareenwriter.” The 599 new words in Bloom’s Bouquet are organized into such categories as “Plumpkins & Grimlets” (Food and Drink), “Froshbite & Frollicles” (Medicine), and “ Fiberals & Reapublicans (Politics). Fun to browse through and hilarious to share aloud, the imaginary but oh-so-meaningful words in Bloom’s Bouquet are a celebration of the endless elasticity of the English language. This elegant little package, featuring witty, original line-art throughout, is an enticing impulse purchase or the perfect “stocking stuffer” gift for lovers of word games. Jeffrey Bloom is a writer. Carole Bloom’s early careers in music and television led to her first published book, Musical Houses. A psychotherapist, she is the founder of Power Therapy™ and has a private practice in Studio City, California, where she and Jeffrey live. Husband and wife have worked together creatively, but this is their first literary collaboration.