Canterbury Tales (Wordsworth Poetry) (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Edited with Introductions, Bibliographies, Footnotes and on-page Glossaries by Dr Lesley A. Coote, Lecturer in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Hull The Canterbury Tales tells the story of 30 pilgrims who meet by chance at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, London, and journey together to the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral. To pass the time along the way, they tell stories to one another. This new transcription and edition is taken from British Library MS Harley 7334, a beautifully-decorated, volume produced within ten years of Chaucer"s death. The aim of the present edition, with its on-page notes and glosses, is to enable readers with little or no previous experience of Medieval English to read and enjoy this landmark in English Literature.