Mis Primeros Das Primary School (Spanish Edition)

Price 14.31 USD

book24.ru14.31 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788471439475


Producer SGEL

Year of production 2002

"Mis primeros dias" is a course designed to teach Spanish as a second language to immigrant children. It includes simple and easy activities suitable for different teaching situations. The workbook is divided into 10 units focusing on key areas of child development (interests, neccesities and their experience as immigrant children). The contents are organized into communicative functions: Hola!. Saludo y me presento; Mi casa. Describo; Mi familia. Presento; Mi "cole". Doy y recibo ordenes; La calle. Pido y doy informacion; Las compras. Compro y vendo; Juego y me divierto; Cuando? Donde?; Que hora es?; Pregunto y respondo sobre la hora y el tiempo; El medico. Mi cuerpo; and, Quisiera ser. Expreso deseos. Each lesson contains speaking, reading, writing and drawing activities. There is a grammar section at the end of the book. This material presents a multicultural approach and promotes respect for diversity.