World Class Level 4 Activity Book (WORC)
Price 0.94 - 4.54 USD
book24.ru4.54 USD
World Class is a four-stage course for secondary students of English. Each stage provides 90-100 classroom lessons. Once they have completed World Class 4 (intermediate level), students should be ready to move on to a First Certificate course. The course combines facts about the world with stories of fantasy and fiction, practical activities and everyday topics. This cross-curricular approach builds on students" natural curiosity. Because the modules contain the kind of material which students enjoy in their own language, they can relate to what they are learning. World Class student"s books are divided into seven theme-based modules. Each module includes authentic reading material and ends with a revision lesson. Student"s books also include an illustrated mini-dictionary which contains definitions and pictures of important new words. This feature encourages learner independence, expands vocabulary and improves dictionary skills. Teacher"s books include detailed step-by-step lesson plans and suggestions for extra activities, as well as an integrated system of continuous assessment. Class cassettes contain all the listening texts and pronunciation exercises featured in the student"s books. For extra practice, the activity books provide a variety of additional exercise material and learner training activities. Students can use the activity book cassettes in class or for extra listening practice at home.