Russkiy evropeets. Publitsistika 20-30-h gg. XX v.

Price 14.00 USD

This is a collection of articles by Pavel Miliukov (1859-1943), a historian, minister of foreign affairs in the Provisional government, and leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party. They were first published in the emigre newspaper "Poslednie Novosti" (1921-1940) in Paris. They cover a wide spectrum of topics: the reforming activity of Peter 1, revolutions of 1917, the Civil War, mission of emigration, portraits of Russian politicians and scholars of the early 20th century, etc. (0.445 kg.). Also available: Makushin, A.V., Tribunskii, P.A. Pavel Nikolaevich Miliukov? Trudy i Dni (2001)