Doctor's Best, Best Folate, Fully Active, Featuring Quatrefolic, 400 mcg, 90 Veggie Caps
MTHF is a cornerstone of human metabolism. It is the body’s ultimate resource for methyl groups (–CH3), which are essential cofactors for numerous enzymes that manage a complex web of metabolic pathways. Methyl groups from MTHF are involved in diverse life processes: Synthesis of DNA, RNA and other molecular machinery for protein production. Higher-level gene regulation via activation and deactivation (“epigenesis”). Production of the hormone melatonin6 and the brain transmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. Recycling of the potentially toxic metabolite homocysteine, into nontoxic methionine. Wrapping of nerve cells with myelin protein, to optimize their electrical conductivity. Supplying “one-carbon” groups (mostly as methyl) to drive numerous metabolic reactions. Essential for DNA Integrity and Epigenetic Gene RegulationSome enzymes use methyl available from MTHF to produce certain purines and pyrimidines, which are building blocks for the bio-synthesis of DNA and RNA. DNA is the genetic “blueprint” for making functional proteins, while RNA helps translate the blueprint into the final protein structure. MTHF is the body’s ultimate methyl reservoir, its most dependable source for obtaining methyl groups to build DNA and RNA, and from them proteins and phospholipids as needed. A gene is a length of DNA with various attached proteins that help regulate the DNA. Various enzymes attach or detach methyl groups to and from the gene’s DNA and its associated proteins, as part of a sophisticated regulatory process called epigenetics. As the term implies, epigenetics is higher-level gene control—in part, the use of methyl as a “toggle switch” for turning each gene off or on. Adding methyl turns the gene off, removing methyl turns it on.