Enjoy Life Foods, Perkey's Crunchy Rice Cereal, 10 oz (283 g) (Discontinued Item)
Price 2.67 USD
iherb.com2.67 USD
* Nut and Gluten Free * Eat Freely * Free of the 8 Common Allergens, Allergy Friendly * Certified Gluten-Free * cRc Pareve * Made in a Dedicated Nut-Free and Certified Gluten-Free Facility * 100% Natural * Low Fat * Low Sodium * Sweetened with Fruit Juice and Honey Our cereals are gluten-free and free of the eight most common allergens. Ingredients have been additionally tested to ensure strict allergen control standards are met. Have you ever heard a belly laugh? At Enjoy Life, our whole business is making smile-good foods that kep your insides happy too. Gluten-free and made without any of the eight most common allergens, our Crunchy cereals are crunch-eriffic. Try all our yummy foods. Because now you can eat freely and smile inside out! Scott Mandell and the Enjoy Life team