Stash Tea, Premium, Herbal Tea, Wild Raspberry Hibiscus, Caffeine Free, 20 Tea Bags,1.3 oz (38 g)
Price 2.96 - 3.19 USD
iherb.com3.19 USD
An enchanting blend, lightly sweet and fragrant with the flavor of fresh picked Northwest raspberries. Naturally caffeine free. Stash Wild Raspberry Herbal Tea Raspberries grow wild in the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere and in some parts of the southern hemisphere as well. The ancient Greeks were the first to cultivate raspberries. They called the fruit "idaeus" because it grew wild and abundantly on the slopes of Mount Ida, as it still does today. Thus it is fitting that "Rubus idaeus" is the botanical name of the primary species for both the wild and cultivated raspberry. The genus also includes the blackberry, which is very similar to the raspberry. Both berries come in a variety of colors from white through yellow, orange, pink, purple, red and black. Thus color is not the distinguishing feature, rather the size of the fruit is. The blackberry fruit is larger than the fruit of the raspberry. The color of the raspberry is determined not only by its species, but also by climate. Raspberries from Northern India and the Himalayas are black, while yellow and white raspberries grow in Europe and parts of Asia. The wild red raspberry which grows in the United States is sweeter than other species. Raspberry jams, jellies, syrups and vinegars are famous around the world, as are raspberry desserts such as ice cream, sorbet, pastries, and pies. However, a bow