Labrada Nutrition Super Charge! Xtreme N.O., Pre-Workout Energy Drink Mix, Orange, 1.76-Pound Tub
Price 39.89 - 62.83 USD
iherb.com43.66 USD
* 10 Performance Products in one Daily Dose! * Enhance Strength, Energy, Endurance & Mental Focus * No Artificial Colors * Performance Enhancer Drink Mix * With N.O. Boosters & BCAAs * Natural and Artificial Flavor * Dietary Supplement * 2:1:1 PepForm 2:1:1 BCAA Peptides * CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer * University Tested** * 110% Greater Power Increase in 8 Weeks * Feel the Power with the 1st Dose! * No Banned Substances * Certified cGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Practices * Steroid Free * Safe for High School and College Athletes "Compare and Make the Smart Choice!" Unlike competing products, Super Charge! ingredient amounts are not hidden in a "proprietary blend". When you buy Labrada, you know exactly what you are paying for - ingredients that work, in amounts that work. Labrada Nutrition is the smart choice! Lee Labrada"s Quality Guarantee "If it"s on the label, it"s in the bottle!" This product is independent lab assayed for purity. Get Xplosive Workouts! Enhance Strength, Energy, Endurance & Mental Focus SuperCharge provides you with all of the best performance-enhancing supplements, in one easy-to-use, concentrated daily dose! * Increases Strength and Power - Super Charge has been shown in a University study to increase power by up to 110%** and exercise repetitions performed by up to 39%.*** * Increases Blood Flow to Muscles - Super Charge contains powerful nitric oxide (N.O.) boosters to dilate arteries and increase muscle pumps. * Increases Endurance - Super Charge contains CarnoSyn to increase muscle carnosine stores, resulting in up to a 29% increase in endurance performance.**** * Enhances mental focus during exercise - Super Charge contains tyrosine and caffeine to improve mental focus up to 82%, for peak performance.*** * Delays Fatigue - Super Charge contains Pikatropin to fight fatigue, so you can exercise longer. * Jump Starts Recovery - Super Charge contains PepForm branched chain amino acids and n-acetyl-l-glutamine to protect against muscle breakdown and improve post workout recovery. What"s New in Super Charge Xtreme 4.0: * Super Charge is Now Artificial Color Free * PepForm BCAA 2:1:1 are free form branched chain amino acids (BCAA) bound to BCAA peptides. Recover Faster! * CreaLean is pure, pharmaceutical-grade creatine monohydrate to help you build strength faster! * PowerCarb is an engineered carbohydrate that supports nutrient transport and sustains energy. Workout longer! Super Charge is made in a steroid and prohormone free, FDA-inspected, pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing facility. This product is pure and unadulterated, and will not cause a positive test result for banned substances. Muscle Size, Energy & Strength * 110% More Power** * 82% More Focus*** * 39% More Reps*** * Enough for 50 Workouts! University Tested>>> **8 week study conducted at the University of Kansas in 2010. 30 trained male subjects, were separated into one group used Super Charge! Xtreme (SCX!) prior to training, the other did not. The SCX! group experienced significantly greater gains. The SCX! group showed increases in squat power that were 110% greater than the control group. The SCX! group also experienced bench press max increases that were 70% greater than the control group. ***Clinical study conducted by Human Performance Specialists, Tempe, Arizona, in 2008. Study conducted on test subjects taking one dose of Super Charge! before one workout, compared to control group. The SCX! group enjoyed as 82% increase in pre-workout mental energy and a 39% increase in bench press reps. ****Jour. ISSN, Feb 2009, Smith et al.