North American Herb & Spice Co., ChagaSyrup, Wild Chaga Mushroom, 8 fl oz (236 ml)
Price 33.84 - 34.99 USD
iherb.com34.99 USD
* Power of Nature * Raw Honey-Enhanced Natural Source of SOD Known since ancient times, chaga is a powerful grown on birch tree which is rich in a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals. An ideal way to get your daily energy naturally, ChagaSyrup is free of caffeine and other stimulants. The energy is natural from the sun-ripened chaga plus wild, raw honey and wild, raw grape extract. Chaga is a dense source of natural sterols, B vitamins, minerals, and the all-important enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). Use ChagaSyrup daily, and fell the raw, wild difference. It"s delicious and powerful: enjoy.