DS Laboratories Nia Helio Hydrating Shampoo, 290-gram Bottle

For demanding men and women whose hair does not shine as brightly as it should, feel as soft as it could, or radiate color the way they want, now DS Laboratories unveils its high-tech Nia Helio Hydrating Shampoo and Nia Helio Hydrating Conditioner. These super-premium cosmeceuticals — developed over 10 years of research, design, and testing — treat dull, split, colorless hair more aggressively and effectively than any other shampoo or conditioner. Because Nia products combine rare botanicals, extracted mechanically, not chemically, then vectored deep into the cortex of hair via next-generation nanosome encapsulation. Precious compounds deployed through Nia include hydrolyzed phyto-proteins and amphoteric amino acids to repair damage and improve fiber strength, plus polyphenolic extracts that shield hair against ultraviolet radiation and neutralize oxidative radicals, hygroscopic sericin to moisturize the cortex and seal the cuticle, cationic phospholipids to boost the electrostatic affinity of molecules for hair, botanical extracts to repel environmental odors and inhibit photo-degradation, and several agents with antimicrobial properties and immunomodulatory effects. For regular users of Nia, such advanced cosmetic science means the highest gloss, silkiest texture, and most radiant color possible today. It means your hair rinses and dries faster, tangles and splits less, styles easier, smells fresher, and stays free of residue. It also means fewer color treatments — if any. Take advantage of this amazing breakthrough, and raise your image to a level never before attainable. Try high-performance Nia Helio Hydrating Shampoo and Nia Helio Hydrating Conditioner.