Planetary Herbals, Ayurvedics, Hinga Shtak, 800 mg, 120 Tablets (Discontinued Item)

Price 8.81 - 9.17 USD

iherb.com9.17 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 21078106234

Manufacture Country USA

* Botanical Digestive Support * Herbal Supplement * Formulated by Michael Tierra L.Ac, O.M.D. Hinga Shtak is the most classic and widely used of all Ayurvedic herbal formulas for supporting healthy digestion. It is a combination of warming, spicy, pungent carminative herbs, designed to support normal digestion and assimilation, especially useful for alleviating the occasional gas and bloating that occurs with indigestion. This blend also includes atractylodes, a highly regarded Chinese digestive tonic, and dandelion root, a valuable digestive bitter from the European and American herbal traditions.