Eco-Dent, Res-Q-Dent, Natural Gel Toothpaste, Spearmint, 3 oz (85 g)
Price 5.32 - 6.90 USD
iherb.com6.90 USD
Res-Q-Dent is the natural answer for providing relief for sensitive painfulteeth due to heat, cold, sweets, contact pressure, acids or other painfulstimuli. Our refreshing, great-tasting gel toothpaste also provides superiortooth cleaning action with low abrasion. We also provide additional benefits byusing Baking Soda and Aloe in our formulation. Baking Soda is well known forits ability to effectively clean teeth without abrasion, so you protect yoursensitive tooth enamel. Aloe is soothing and refreshing to the gums. We alsoinclude Xylitol which has been the subject of a number of studies for itscleansing benefits to the teeth.Res-Q-Dent Natural Pain Relief Toothpaste Gel provides relief for sensitiveteeth, naturally:NO FLOURIDENO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERSNO SODIUM LAURYL SULFATENO ANIMAL INGREDIENTSCRUELTY FREE-THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TESTED ON ANIMALNO PROPYLENE GLYCOLNO PARABENS OR OTHER ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVESNO ARTIFICIAL COLORS OR FLAVORSEco-Dent is a leading provider of natural oral care solutions. Our concentratedbaking soda toothpowders have been recommended by dentists and researchers formore than 70 years. The benefits of these products have been noted time andagain in both research studies and clinical application during this time.Eco-Dent provides a complete range of oral care products, all of which meet ourstringent standards for quality and benefits.