Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass Powder, 30 Servings, 8.5-Ounce Container

Price 17.68 - 20.74 USD

iherb.com20.74 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 829835011001

Manufacture Grass Advantage

Manufacture Country USA

Weight 240 gr

Gluten Free & Raw USDA Organic 30 Servings Vegan Certified Organic by QAIAmazing Grass is the most potent, convenient & affordable way to help achieve your 5 + daily servings of vegetables. Increases & sustains energy naturally Detoxifies & cleanses your body High alkalinity helps balance acidic pH levels Strengthens immune system Complete food with enzymes & all essential amino acids Natural source of antioxidants to help repair damaged cells Field grown outdoors though winter Vegan, gluten free, and rawPer 8 gram serving, Amazing Grass Wheat Grass offers: A naturally balanced source of Phytonutrients and Carotenoids 2x more dietary fiber than an 8 gram serving of oat bran 2x more iron than a 30 gram serving of fresh spinach Excellent source of folic acid, beta carotene and vitamin C 25% green vegetable protein 100% whole leaf powder...not from juice!