Nature's Herbs, Aloe Vera Gel, 50 Softgels
Price 6.34 - 9.34 USD
iherb.com6.34 USD
Properties and Uses: Aloe Vera is a potent medicine and healer. Healing and soothing to the stomach as well as liver, kidneys, spleen and bladder. Aloe works with your immune system to keep you healthy, strong and vibrant. PROPERTIES: cleaning herb, high source of nutrients. Parts used: resin • also an excellent remedy for piles and hemorrhoids • may be useful in the treatment of diabetes • may elevated blood lipids in humans • helps keep your intestine clean by breaking up this clogging material so that it passes easily through your system. • the cells of the intestinal wall will again be able to absorb essential food nutrients efficiently. • contains over 200 nutritional compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins, including vitamin B12. (RXlist) • May be used topically for burns SUGGESTED DOSAGE: Tincture: 10 to 60 drops three times a day or 2 to 10 pumps of the spray. CONTRA INDICATIONS: If taken internally Aloe vera may cause diarrhea, this is a result from cleansing. (if this occurs lower the dosage)