Jarrow Formulas, Yaeyama Chlorella, 400 mg, 150 Capsules
Price 8.45 - 9.93 USD
iherb.com9.93 USD
* Provides RNA, DNA and Chlorophyll * Dietary Supplement Yaeyama Chlorella is a subspecies of Chlorella vulgaris, a single-celled, fresh water algae, grown in the environmentally pristine coral reef region of Japan"s Ishigaki Island using mountain spring water, tropical sunshine and food grade nutrients. Yaeyama Chlorella cell walls are broken by high impact jet-spray drying that pulverizes the algae wall for increased absorption of its vital nutrients. Yaeyama Chlorella provides chlorophyll, RNA, DNA, and proteins, and is a source of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Yaeyama Chlorella supports healthy cell function and promotes detoxification, especially heavy metal excretion. "Yaeyama", means richer, more flavorful and more nutritious