Komu My Obiazany "Afganom"? (Grif sekretnosti sniat)
This book reconstructs events of 1979 related to the decision making at the Russian leadership about the launching Russian-Afghanistani war. What made the supreme Russian organ to to sent what it called "the limited military contingent" to this country?. (0.315 kg.). Also avaialable on the subject: Davydov, A.D. Afganistan: Voiny Moglo ne Byt": Krestianstvo i Reformy (1993); Davydov, A.D. Afganistan: Problemy Voiny i Mira (1996); Afganistan: Voina i Problemy Mira (1998); Markovskii, V.Iu. Zharkoe Nebo Afganistana (2000); Tikhonov, Iu.N. Afganskaia Voina Stalina (2008); Malevanyi, V.V. Sovetskii Spetsnaz v Afganistane (2009); Kucherova, L. KGB v Afganistane (2009); Runov, V.A. Afganskaia Voina: Boevye Operatsii (2010); Snegirev, V.N., Samunin, V.I. Virus "A": Kak My Zaboleli Vtorzheniem v Afganistan:: Politicheskoe Rassledovanie (2011).